When You're Struggling Through Pain Or An Injury, Your Whole Life Can Feel Like It Has Been Disrupted
Finding the right chiropractic care to get to root of the problem is critical to helping you make a full recovery. We get you the treatment you need to help you avoid drugs or surgery.
The Conditions We Treat Fall Under 3 Categories:



1) Plantar fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain
The plantar fascia is a fibrous band that runs from your heel to the ball of your foot. Plantar fasciitis is painful inflammation of this tissue. This pain and inflammation is caused by chronic overstretching and tearing of the plantar fascia.
Plantar fasciitis is usually associated with collapsed arches of the feet. To see this is simple. Sit in a chair with your bare feet flat on the ground, but with no weight on them. You can see the arches on the inside of the foot. Now stand up. You will notice that your arch collapses. When this arch collapses a significant amount, the plantar fascia is stretched beyond its normal range. This can cause the fascia to start to tear, causing pain.
2) Knee Pain
Knee pain is very common.
This is because the knee is like the middle child, it gets picked on by the foot and hip.
If we look at the knee through a functional model, it only goes where the foot allows and what the hips can control. As we walk, run and jump, the knee bends, straightens and twists. If you have limited motion in your ankle, and weak hips, this will cause the knee to bend and collapse.
This compensation causes excessive stress on different areas of the knee. Think of a row boat. If two of the rowers aren’t working, the other rowers have to make up the slack. This causes them excessive stress and strain, and can lead to injury.
There are several different structures that can become injured in the knee.
3) Whiplash and Auto Accident Injuries
Have you been injured in a Motor Vehicle Accident?
Chiropractic care is a natural, and effective solution for your recovery
Motor vehicle accidents can have a huge impact on your life. Let us help you on your road to recovery!
We know there can be a lot of stress, anxiety, and pain after an accident. That is why it is important to be assessed by your chiropractor. Chiropractic care is one of the best ways to help you make a full recovery, so that you can get back to your life as quickly as possible.
We understand that if you’ve been in an accident you may be hurting. At Capilano Chiropractic Clinic we provide the treatment you need to make a speedy, and full recovery.
4) Headaches and Migraines
Headaches are a very common condition in our patients. Research about headaches indicates about 50% of the people suffer from headaches at any given time. There are many different types of headaches. The most common include cervicogenic and tension headaches, post traumatic headaches, and migraines.
5) Lower Back Pain
Low back pain is one of the most common causes of disability world-wide. It is also the most common reason people choose to visit a chiropractor.
Low back pain affects 8 out of 10 people at least once in their lifetime, and 1/3rd of that population on a yearly basis.
There are many potential causes of low back pain, and it is very common for lower back pain to be accompanied by pain in your hips, groin, and sciatic nerve.
Below you will learn more about the different conditions leading to low back pain. Although there are more conditions that lead to back pain, those listed here are among the more common causes:
6) Neck Pain
Neck pain is the second most common reason people choose to visit a chiropractor. Neck pain affects over 50% of the population at some point in their lifetime. Neck pain can affect how you drive, disrupt your sleep and is second to back pain for missed work.
There are several different possible causes to your neck pain. It is our job to determine why your neck hurts, and the best strategies to resolve your neck pain.
Sometimes people need extra testing. In these cases, we will send for x-ray or ultrasound. We may also refer you to another provider if they will be better able to help you.
Some of the more common causes of neck pain we treat, include:
1) Common Musculoskeletal Conditions Treated
Chiropractic has provided effective relief to millions of individuals suffering from back and neck ailments.
Chiropractic has also provided relief from many other musculoskeletal complaints ranging from knee and ankle problems to carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow. In fact, musculoskeletal pain or discomfort in any area of the spine or extremity is a candidate for safe, natural, noninvasive chiropractic care. If a condition exists which is better suited for treatment by a medical specialist, chiropractors are fully trained to identify such conditions and make the appropriate referral. However, most patients suffering from musculoskeletal complaints can and are successfully treated with chiropractic every single day.
Common musculoskeletal conditions treated:
low back pain and stiffness
neck and upper back pain and stiffness
mid back pain and stiffness
headaches and migraines
leg pain, weakness, numbness and tingling
arm pain, weakness, numbness and tingling
extremity joint pain and dysfunction
carpal tunnel syndrome
2) Common Injuries Treated
Chiropractors commonly treat all types of injuries and recognize the unique findings associated with each.
For example, it's important to understand that auto injuries often involve a delayed onset of symptoms which commonly surface weeks and even months post-accident. In work injuries, chiropractors routinely look beyond the actual injury and address such things as work station setup, ergonomically correct equipment, and proper work techniques.
For sports injuries, chiropractors often check for biomechanical and muscle imbalances as a routine part of the treatment plan. Treating the whole person and optimizing health is what chiropractic is all about.
Common injuries treated:
automobile accident and whiplash injuries
on-the-job and lifting injuries
sports/athletic injuries
slip and fall injuries
chronic injuries
3) Non-Musculoskeletal Conditions Treated
Chiropractic treatments have also been shown to benefit many individuals suffering from "medical" ailments.
Common examples are chronic ear infections in children, menstrual pain and irregularities in women, and arthritis in the elderly.
Although chiropractic care is not a specific form of treatment for such conditions, research has shown that many "medical" conditions can be caused or aggravated by irritation to spinal nerve roots which share an intimate relationship with the spinal structures.
By restoring proper nerve functioning by normalizing spinal structure and function, we believe some individuals suffering from these "medical" ailments can obtain partial and in some cases, full relief.
Non-musculoskeletal conditions which studies have shown benefit from chiropractic:
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
dizziness and dysequilibrium
infantile colic
low energy levels
otitis media (ear infection)