Knee pain is very common.
This is because the knee is like the middle child, it gets picked on by the foot and hip.
If we look at the knee through a functional model, it only goes where the foot allows and what the hips can control. As we walk, run and jump, the knee bends, straightens and twists. If you have limited motion in your ankle, and weak hips, this will cause the knee to bend and collapse.
This compensation causes excessive stress on different areas of the knee. Think of a row boat. If two of the rowers aren’t working, the other rowers have to make up the slack. This causes them excessive stress and strain, and can lead to injury.
There are several different structures that can become injured in the knee.
Common conditions people present with include:
Chondromalacia Patellae
A very common condition in runners. Chondromalacia patellae is most often due to an imbalance of the muscles that surround the knee and hip. The kneecap becomes ‘misaligned’ within its groove. Repetitive flexion and extension leads to pain, swelling and possibly cartilage damage.
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Presents with pain on the outside of your knee. The iliotibial band is a fibrous band of tissue that runs from your hip to the outside of your knee. It attaches to a muscle in your hip called the tensor fascia lata. This muscle and fascial band help control the movements of your leg. When this band becomes too tight, it causes excessive compression where it attaches to the knee. This results in pain, typically with running, walking or kneeling.
Meniscus sprain or tears
These are very common injuries to the knee. The menisci are tough, smooth rubber cartilage cushions in the middle of your knee. Their job is to act as shock absorbers and to guide knee motion. Meniscal tears can occur at any age. Meniscal tears occur from twisting injuries in children and adolescents. But, as we age, the meniscus become weaker and tears become more likely. These tears occur more subtly. Sometimes from simple or unrecognized injuries.
Symptoms depend on the severity of the injury.
Popping or snapping can occur at the initial injury.
You may have difficulty weight bearing or have a limp. Knee stiffness, clicking, catching, locking and giving way are also common. Mild swelling is also generally present.
There are many other possible knee injuries.
These include:
- Osgood-Schlatter Disease
- Patellar Tendinopathy (or ‘Jumpers knee’)
- Pes Anserine Bursitis
- Popliteal Cyst
- Osteoarthritis.
Although most injuries resolve with conservative treatment, sometimes surgery is required. We provide conservative therapy to solve your knee pain. We address the structures that have become injured. We also help correct any compensatory issues that may be contributing to your knee pain. We provide you with the tools you need to recover as quickly as possible.